Important Health Benefits And Recipes
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Seafood:Who says there is something fishy on fish oils, shellfish, and other seafoods when it comes to health benefits? Various studies and researches have proved that the best sources of good fats, vitamins, and minerals to promote good health can actually be found on different seafoods. It took so many years for most people to realize the health benefits of having seafoods in their diet. We have listed many of the benefits here.

Seafood – Grilled Seabass With Asparagus
Here’s why:
1. Fish is your heart’s best friend. Undeniably, fishes are exceptional low-fat food. The fats contained on fishes and fish oils are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids known to protect the body against heart diseases. These so called “good fats” also aids in lowering cholesterol, decreasing blood clotting factors, increasing beneficial relaxation in larger arteries and blood vessels, and decreasing inflammatory process in blood vessels.
2. One serving of fish two to three times per week keeps arthritis away. There have been clinical trials that have shown that one serving of fish two to three times a week can actually lessen arthritis symptoms by fighting inflammation, decreasing fatigue and reducing morning stiffness.

3. Some varieties of seafoods were proven to strengthen the immune system. Studies showed that certain varieties of fishes and shellfishes have very high antioxidant E, aside from vitamins E, C, D, and A. These antioxidants boost the immune system and also lower the risk of heart disease by reducing buildup of plaque in coronary arteries.
4. Seafoods in pregnant woman’s diet make smart and healthy kids.
According to several researchers, the Omega-3 fatty acids found in different types of fishes and shellfish can be very vital during an unborn child’s development in the womb. It greatly assists in neural development as well as eye development.
There had also been studies showing how these essential fatty acids have a positive effect on Attention deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children. In addition, a healthy diet for children with two to three servings of fresh seafoods per week can definitely increase their learning ability and improve their health in the future.
5. The fatty acids in fishes can alleviate the symptoms of depression. Omega-3 fatty acids can also ease the signs of depressions in patients who do not respond to typical anti-depressant medications. Studies showed that depressed patients who had greater amount of seafoods in their diet, particularly fish, had feasible lower symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, and sleeping problems.
6. Shellfish ensures healthy skin and eyes. Different varieties of shellfish are rich in vitamins and mineral, aside from being very low in fat content. Hence, these guarantees healthy skin and promotes good eyesight because vitamins contained in shellfish aid in formation and use of red blood cells and muscles.

7. Children who eat oily fish may have lower risk of getting asthma. Studies showed that children who were able to receive at least 300mg of fish oil a day had undergone noteworthy improvement of asthma symptoms. This is because fish oils aid in controlling food allergens and environmental allergens in the body.
8. Fish heaters have lower risks of getting cancer. The Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are the essential components responsible for protection against cancer. In fact, there had been reports that people who eat fish regularly have low risks of cancers of the mouth, throat, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, breast, and prostate.
9. Fatty fish are best natural source of Vitamin D. Most nutritionist agree that fatty fishes are excellent sources of vitamin D. A serving of fatty fish a day can provide 90% of today’s recommended dietary requirement for vitamin D.
10. Essential fatty acids found in most seafood variety may reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Various reports have recommended that long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly those of the omega-3 family, can actually slow mental decline and even reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease in older people.

These kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acids are structural components of neural membranes and are linked to some aspects of nervous tissue functions. With these kinds of fatty acids in the body, inflammation and proinflammatory substances in the brain are reduced from which Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, is linked. With all these viable health benefits of seafoods, no one can ever smell something fishy when eating fish and shellfish. Undeniably, seafoods are remarkable creatures marvelously made just for the health of it!